Simple PHP PDO Login System Tutorial
Hello everyone,
This is tutorial on making a simple PHP PDO login and registration system. We will be touching on PHP PDO, database design and security practices. It will be a bit different from the common tutorials out there as…
Shadowsocks – 504 connect to failed: socks protocol error
Hello everyone,
I am assuming you have encountered this error when using Shadowsocks and have stumbled upon this website upon Googling it. :)
I have also faced this issue and spent countless hours trying to find out what went wrong.…
Why you should not use NodeJS
Hello everyone,
I’ll be taking you through NodeJS from a different perspective. Currently, NodeJS is being “fanboyed” by tons of fanboys and have a lot of bias articles out there to promote the use of NodeJS. Therefore, I see a…
Free VPN Software – Which to use?
For those who do not know what a VPN is, be sure to read up on my other blog articles on VPN before continuing on.
There are so many free VPN software like OpenVPN, Softether, StrongSWAN and Tinc…
Free VPN service for Ngee Ann students
Hello everyone,
Be it online multi-player gaming or trying to SSH into a server, it is not possible to do so within the Ngee Ann campus network. Today, I’m happy to introduce to you a free campus VPN service that…
VPN and proxies – What are they?
Virtual Private Network (VPN) and proxies are data encapsulation software that does IP encapsulation in either Layer 2 or Layer 3 or maybe even both. VPNs and proxies are often used for bypassing firewall restrictions, anonymity, access Intranets of certain…