Creating units or illusions in DotA 2 Lua Modding

The following shows several examples of creating units or illusions in DotA 2 modding. This is with regards to server sided modding (custom games in DotA 2). It uses Lua as a language and requires some prior understanding of DotA…

HOW TO: Laravel testing on Gitlab CI with Docker

This is just a quick mini-post sharing some of the nice stuff that I’ve done with my co-worker, Kheng Hui, while I was working on an A*STAR project. The project used Laravel 5.3 with PHP 7 and MySQL, and needed…

PHP Tutorial: Deployment

In this tutorial, we’ll be covering on agile code deployment through cloud platform services like Redhat Openshift. Openshift is a new nontraditional hosting service that offers Platform as a Service cloud hosting.

Why nontraditional environment?

Well, the cloud has been…