
Hey there,

I’ve just attended an event named “Walkabout@SG” which is an annual city-wide open house for companies. So I visited OOYALA, roomorama, Amazon AWS, Startup Grid and many more awesome companies. On top of that, I’ve managed to meet some pretty cool peeps and folks who are working for these companies. In particular, I met Alex, who is a AWS Solutions Architect. He noticed that I was wearing a Pebble watch and we conversed about Pebble watch since he has a Pebble steel watch too. His girlfriend also has the newest Pebble Time; pretty cool guy to talk to. :)

And here are the pictures of the day!


My juniors and I at the iDA labs for briefing before we begin our adventure.


Briefing was over, the adventure begins…


Jay from Nanyang Poly joined us in our adventures!


Grabbed a quick bite at Subway for lunch.


Amazon AWS office!


Met some cool peeps who are the Ngee Ann poly alumni!


The cloud – its floating


Oh boy, AWS credits


AWS employees chilling area


Pantry area with beer, this is how much AWS loves their employees! :)

I learnt quite a lot about our local startups and how AWS can empower them to do more and let them focus on doing their main thing. It was a really amazing fun learning experience and I got plenty of freebies, like the $50 AWS credits. I really hope you guys will join in the fun next year! :)


Author: Huiren

I use free software and sometimes contribute to free software. I write about mostly technical problems I face and how I overcome them

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