Ngee Ann Poly WSS 2020 Trainer

In 2020, I conducted a training workshop for a selected few Ngee Ann Polytechnic students. These students were selected to compete in a nationwide competition called Worldskills Singapore.

The workshop conducted included topics on web design (HTML + CSS), Laravel (PHP + Database) and WordPress (PHP).

Through this workshop, they learnt and applied important architecture concepts of Laravel and WordPress. This include, but not limited to, 3rd Normal Form, BCNF, model view controller, API resources and API testing.

Despite academic stress and a global pandemic (COVID-19), they did their best and one of the students managed to achieve a medallion of excellence.

Author: Woo Huiren

Currently a student at National University of Singapore. I contribute to opensource projects - primarily PHP and Angular related. I write about PCF and PWS related stuff too.

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