ALittleChange Singapore

ALittleChange Singapore Website

ALittleChange Singapore is a registered Singapore society that aims to empower youths to make a little change in other people’s lives. My main motivation behind helping to develop this site is that I believe in their cause.

I am one of the volunteers and helped to develop their site using Angular framework and using a basic backend Prism. Currently, the Prism account used is a gratis level.

The front-end is hosted on Pivotal Web Services and costs about $4 SGD a month at most. (128MB site) Pivotal Cloud Foundry tools allow me to easily push successful builds from my public GitHub repository to PWS.

You can see how everything works from a push as the website code is public and available on my GitHub repository. Alternatively, you can also view the website.

Author: Woo Huiren

Currently a student at National University of Singapore. I contribute to opensource projects - primarily PHP and Angular related. I write about PCF and PWS related stuff too.

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